Elk jaar in het voorjaar vindt wereldwijd de Global Action Week for Education plaats. Vijf dagen van activisme en actie om regeringen op te roepen hun beloften na te komen om SDG4 en het recht op onderwijs te realiseren. Het thema dit jaar is “Invest in Transformative Education – Build Social Justice, Peace and Sustainable Development”.


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Maandag 22 april:
Global launch of GAWE 2024 through a webinar
GCE members from the 5 regional constituencies, Teachers, INGOs and Students and
Youth will be asked to launch the campaign at the same time at 2:30 PM South African
Time. Representatives of the constituencies will be asked to share a 2-minute
solidarity message. GCE will invite representatives from UNESCO, MOE, and other
partners to the launch which also kicks off the celebration of the 25th anniversary of
GCE in 2024.

Dinsdag 23 april:
In-country Solidarity Day to Protect the Right to Education in
Gaza, Sudan, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Ukraine and other conflict-affected countries
The solidarity day will feature discussions on the situation of education in Gaza and
conflict-affected countries. It will also share the GCE Statement on Protecting the
Right to Education in Gaza. The solidarity activity will include lighting a candle for
education and humanitarian work in these countries. GCE will provide a guide for the
solidarity activity and confirm the time for candle lighting.

15.00 uur: Pedagogical Attitudes for Transformative Education

16.00 uur: Transformative Education in Latin America and the Caribbean: Horizons and Practices Towards Social Justice

Woensdag 24 april:
Global webinar on the tax justice in the Arab region, advocacy
for education financing and UN Framework Convention for International Tax
Cooperation. This webinar will be co-organised by the Arab Campaign for Education
for All (ACEA), the Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND) and the Global
Campaign for Education (GCE).

12.00 uur: a conversation about the newly published landmark UN Recommendations to Transform the Teaching Profession 

Donderdag 25 april:
In-country discussion groups or forums on the
Recommendations of the High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession.
Teachers’ unions, education coalitions and stakeholders are enjoined to hold
discussion groups or forums on the Recommendations of the High-Level Panel on the
Teaching Profession with the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labor, local
governments and other related agencies and identify strategic actions for

Dinsdag 30 april:
ASPBAE webinar on Corporate Capture of Education Technology