Als gevolg van de schoolsluitingen door de COVID-19 pandemie en de bezuinigingen op onderwijsbudgetten, zullen er minder kinderen naar school terugkeren en nóg meer kinderen als kindarbeider aan het werk gaan. Op 10 juni kwam de International Labour Organization met nieuwe feiten en cijfers.
Klik hier voor het rapport.


Ook vanuit Nederland worden er beloften gedaan om kinderarbeid tegen te gaan, onder meer door het Ministerie van BuZA, het Ministerie van SZW, Work: No Child’s Business en de FNV.

Lees hier de action pledge van WNCB en hieronder een beknopte versie van de action pledge van de FNV:


  1. What is your Action Pledge in a nutshell?
    FNV together with the international trade union movement will fight child labour directly and by promoting core labour standards and living wages for adults as enabling rights for the eradication of child labour in the global supply chains and for the fulfilment of the right to education for all children.
  2. Why did you decide to make an Action Pledge?
    The eradication of child labour is considered part of our regular trade union work, as it is directly linked to fundamental human, labour and trade unions rights as enshrined in international conventions. Trade unions are crucial to reach a child labour free world in a sustainable way. FNV is already involved for a very long time in the eradication of Child Labour, and making the pledge is a way of highlighting again the importance of the fight.
  3. What are you most looking forward to accomplishing during the International Year?
    We want to revive the idea of the importance of this fight against Child Labour in the heads of the Dutch trade union members, including teachers and their pupils, and to promote a common understanding among companies, government, workers and consumers that the eradication of Child Labour should concern us all.