20-06-2017 | Investeren in meisje loont. Dat is de boodschap die het Malala Fund gisteren meegaf aan Bondskanselier Angela Merkel op de C-20 top, ter voorbereiding van de agenda voor de G20-bijeenkomst in juli in Hamburg. Het Malala Fund pleit voor meer financiering voor onderwijs, met name voor hoger middelbaar onderwijs voor meisjes. Dat is immers een uitstekend middel om economische positie van vrouwen te verbeteren, een van de thema’s van de G20.

New briefing on girls’ education by the Malala Fund

The new briefing Safer, Healthier, Wealthier: How G20 investments in girls’ education improve our word is being published to coincide with the C20 Summit where Chancellor Merkel meets with civil society as she finalises her agenda for the G20 in Hamburg next month.

The aim of the briefing is to support wider efforts to ensure education financing is brought on to the agenda in this year’s G20, as well as to make the case for girls’ upper secondary education in the context of the G20’s work on women’s economic empowerment.

The report summarises the overwhelming evidence for increased investment in a full 12 years of education in order to meet the global challenges we face as set out by the Chancellor herself – economic uncertainty, conflict, health crises and climate change.

In addition it features new analysis from GEM Report looking at the performance of G20 countries in educating girls through primary and secondary school, as well as the levels of individual and collective support of G20 members for girls’ education around the world. The figures show that G20 countries are failing to meet their obligations and sets out a series of recommendations including:

• Commit to closing the global education funding gap. This includes funding to multilateral agencies like Global Partnership for Education and Education Cannot Wait. We also expect leaders to mandate work on a new international financing facility for education.

• Increase domestic funding to education in middle income countries and support poor countries to build their tax base to fund education.

• Remove tuition fees for all 12 years of education.

• Direct increased investment into targeted and proven interventions that reach to poorest and most marginalised girls.

Bron: the Malala Fund

→ Download de briefing ‘Safer, Healthier, Wealthier; How G-20 investments in girls’ education improve our world’